Our Story..

The first glimpse of my love for teaching started when I was in elementary school. I would ask my teachers for materials they didn’t need at the end of the school year. Then use the supplies to pretend to teach during the summer with my siblings. Long story short, I eventually did become a teacher and taught for 13 years. Teaching is something that I am passionate about, and I know that God has purposed me to impact the lives of children through education. Teaching is more than just teaching a subject; it’s also about shaping the lives of students while you do it. Understanding that helped me impact the lives of children I never thought I would.

While I loved teaching in the classroom, I often dreamed of being part of a solution to a problem plaguing the school system, and I knew I couldn’t just do it from the confines of the classroom. Year after year, I saw students come to the next grade working below grade level in reading. While I didn’t know how I could be part of the solution to this problem, God led me down the road of entrepreneurship and Next Level Reading Center was birthed.

We are a reading intervention tutoring company that serves students grades K-5 struggling in reading. Our goal is to help your child bridge the gap in reading using a systematic approach along with research-based strategies.  We look forward to serving your child and working in partnership with you as parents to help your child excel in his or her learning journey.

-Louineze Mertil

Founder of Next Level Reading Center

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go,  And when he is old he will not depart from it.






Our Mission

Next Level Reading Centers’ mission is to help students bridge reading gaps by creating a customized learning plan at their instructional level, using a systematic research-based curriculum and growth mindset strategies.

Our Vision

Transform struggling readers into confident successful readers. 

Why Choose Us?

Passionate Tutors

We are passionate about teaching and seeing your child’s growth in reading.  This is our calling at NLRC to help your child overcome reading challenges and unlock their potential.


Customized lessons

Our tutors carefully curate lessons at your child’s reading level, incorporating skills and strategies based on the needs of your child. 

Systematic Reading Instruction

We take students from low complexity to high complexity concepts in a logical sequence. These concepts focus on the Science of Reading which covers 5 areas, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension.

Growth Mindset Strategies

We incorporate mindset strategies to help boost students’ confidence. These strategies help them overcome mindsets that may hinder their academic progress during lessons.

Expert Tutors

Our reading tutors are trained in the Science of Reading and receive ongoing training to provide your child with the best possible learning experience.

Multisensory Strategies

We use multisensory strategies to help your child grasp concepts and keep them engaged.